April 13, 2016


Mayor Sean Haggerty
Trustee Frank J. DeMento            
Deputy Mayor John Lippmann
Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Trustee Jennifer Noone       
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

The Mayor reported that the Oath of Office had been taken by the following,
elected at the Annual Election on March 15, 2016:

Trustee Jennifer Noone – 72 votes

Trustee John Lippmann – 72 votes


MINUTES for the meeting of March 9, 2016 was approved by all with corrections.

CLAIMS for March/April were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers
 in the amount of $63,408.43.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for March, 2016 was submitted and stated revenues in the total
 amount of $6758.00. 


The Board of Trustees passed the budget for fiscal year 2016/2017,
commencing on June 1, 2016.  The budget will be approximately 2% over prior year
and over the tax cap of .12%. The Village again experienced a reduction in its
total tax base as a number of homes successfully argued for reduced assessments.
Motion to close the public hearing made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded
by Trustee Jennifer Noone and approved by all.  Motion to adopt the budget
made by Deputy Mayor Frank DeMento, seconded by Trustee Hance and approved by all. 


Board members were given binders, which included different areas of village business.
The Mayor explained to the Village Clerk that the binders were nicely done, but
he wanted the report simpler.  The Mayor wants all members to be knowledgeable on
what is going on in all areas of the village.  Future board members will be able
to look back on any given month and know what was done and completed in the village.
Deputy Mayor Frank DeMento explained to the Board that he had met with the
village clerk and addressed needed changes and additions as well as the expected
content of the report. The Board reviewed and addressed each section and what needs
to be reported.  The Village Clerk and Deputy Clerk explained that it is a work
in progress.


The Munsey Park Women’s Club requested to have their Annual Kids Charity Fun Run
on Saturday – June 4, 2016.  On a motion made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded
by Deputy Mayor Frank DeMento and approved by all.


Linda Gurino, Chairperson for the SCA Fair, advised the Board that the SCA Fair
will take place on Saturday, May 7, 2016 from 10:00am to 5:00pm on the Munsey Park
School Field.  The security is the same as last year and hopefully the weather
will be perfect.  The Board approved the fair.


Mrs. Ohlmann, 60 Sully Drive, submitted a building application to replace her
existing fence with a stockade fence with the Symtec wall fence on the inside
exactly the same as the Ashenberg’s approved application.  Motion to approve the
fence made by Deputy Mayor Frank Demento, seconded by Mayor Sean Haggerty and
approved by all.


Mr. Neil Glosman, 235 Kensett Road, made application to install a permanent
basketball hoop on his driveway.  He submitted a signed approval letter from his neighbor.  Motion to approve the permanent basketball hoop made by Deputy Mayor Frank DeMento, seconded by Mayor Sean Haggerty and approved by all.




Motion to go into executive session made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann, seconded
by Mayor Sean Haggerty and confirmed by all.


AuthorGuest User

March 9, 2016


Mayor Sean Haggerty   Trustee Frank J. DeMento       
Deputy Mayor John Lippmann
Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Trustee Jennifer Noone       
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MINUTES for the meeting of February 10, 2016 was approved by all with corrections.

CLAIMS for February/March were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers
 in the amount of $100,387.17.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for February, 2016 was submitted and stated revenues in the total
amount of $9,002.00. 


The Village Attorney presented to the Board Local Law #2-2016 “A local law
to establish chapter 27 for the Code of Ethics”.  The Mayor opened the public
 hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard.
After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Deputy Mayor
John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone, and unanimously carried.
Mayor Sean Haggerty made the motion to adopt Local Law #2 -2016, which was
seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and confirmed.
(a copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)


Trustee Hance explained that the tentative budget is a work in progress.
 The final budget will be placed on the April agenda as a public hearing.


Peter Albinski, architect for Manhasset Development, LLC, presented to the Board
 the preliminary civil and site design of the proposed new residence on Bellows Lane.
 The Village Engineer, Steven E. Patek, reviewed the site plan and accepted
all the changes that were suggested to Mr. Albinski, except he was concerned
about the trees.  Mr. Albinski explained to the Board that some trees obviously
have to be removed due to the location of the house, but the owner will make sure
that no trees are unnecessarily removed.  The Village Building Inspector also
commented that Mr. Albinski had made all the necessary changes indicated by the
Village Engineer.  Motion to approve the site plan with the drainage and
grading made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and approved by all.


Dr. Susi addressed the Board as to when the Village speed sign will be moved
to other areas of the village.  Mayor Sean Haggerty explained that the sign
 will be moved shortly.  Dr. Susi also advised the Board that residents are
continuing to place trash at the curb.  The Village Clerk requested that Dr. Susi
give her the addresses and she will also contact Meadow Carting.

Motion to go into executive session made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann,
seconded by Mayor Sean Haggerty and confirmed by all.




AuthorGuest User



February 10, 2016



PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:


Mayor Sean Haggerty                                     

Deputy Mayor John Lippmann

Trustee Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                        

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 

The Mayor introduced and congratulated James C. McInnis on his twenty-seven years of service to the Village of Munsey Park and on his recent retirement.  “With mixed emotions, the Village congratulates Jim on his retirement, serving Village residents with a level of dedication and professionalism we all have come to admire”  The Mayor presented Mr. McInnis with a citation and an engraved watch.  Also present was Town of North Hempstead Chief of Staff, Cindy Cardinal, Councilwoman Dina De Giorgio and Town Clerk, Wayne Wink who also honored Mr. McInnis with citations.

MINUTES for the meeting of January 13, 2016 was approved by all with corrections. 

CLAIMS for January/February were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $25,638.04.  After review, the Board approved all for payment.  

JUSTICE REPORT for January, 2016 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $14,638.00.   


The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #2 –2016 “A local law to establish chapter 27 for the Code of Ethics.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Sean Haggerty to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on March 9, 2016 at 7:30pm, seconded by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann and unanimously carried.


Motion made by Mayor Sean Haggerty that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone, and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall. 

The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. 


Michael Colamussi from North Shore Neon Sign Company sought approval for the signage for the new store on Northern Boulevard. Initially, the applicant was to place four signs on the building, but decided to only place the signs on the West and East corners of the building with the name “DeRucci”. They also requested that existing pylon sign contain the name DeRucci.   Motion made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Frank DeMento to approve the signage on the building as described with white background and black lettering and the existing pylon sign with the name DeRucci approved by all.  


Mayor Sean Haggerty advised the Board that due to the recent burglaries Nassau County will be providing extra enforcement. 

Motion to go into executive session made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann, seconded by Mayor Sean Haggerty and confirmed by all. 

AuthorGuest User

January 13, 2016

Trustee Frank J. DeMento
Mayor Sean Haggerty

Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Deputy Mayor John Lippmann
Trustee Jennifer Noone       
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MINUTES for the meeting of December 9, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.

CLAIMS for December/January were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $116,322.12. After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for December, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $8,014.00. 


The Village Attorney presented to the Board the Local law #1 –2016 “A local law to override the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law 3-c.”  The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann, and unanimously carried. Mayor Sean Haggerty made the motion to adopt Local Law #1 – 2016, which was seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and confirmed. (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)


The Village Clerk presented to the Board the four bids for the generator for Village Hall. After review and discussion a motion was made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone to approve the most qualified bidder using a Generac generator as Systematic at a cost of $15,750.00 and approved by all.



Village Attorney explained to the Board of the importance of the Manhasset
Bay protection Committee.  Its assists the Village information put on
the Village’s stormwater report and relies on the Town of North Hempstead
for education, pamphlets and cleanup events.  On a motion made by Deputy Mayor
John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and approved by all to join
the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee at a cost of $1,500.00 per year.


The Mayor and Board of Trustees approved Barbara Burke and Marie Luvchuck
to again be the election inspectors for the March election at a cost of $90.00 each.


The Mayor and Board of Trustees reviewed the site plan presented to them.
The Village Building Inspector explained that the regrading would take place
along with a small retaining wall. Trustee Jennifer Noone was concerned about
the close proximity to the neighbor and requested that the correct distance
between the house be maintained.  The Board requested that bushes be planted
to hide the retaining wall.  The Building Inspector will make the corrections
and get back to the resident.


The Smiths from 128 Ryder are requesting a “No Outlet” sign at the end of Ryder.
Many times trucks and cars go down the road not knowing that there is a wall at the end.
The area to turn around is extremely tight.  After discussion, the Board approved
the sign provided that the resident near where the sign will be placed
write a letter indicating that they agree to have the sign placed on their property.


Motion to go into executive session made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed by all.


AuthorGuest User

The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.


Mrs. Denise Polis appeared before the Board to discuss the new bushes that were planted along her driveway.  She would like to keep those bushes and place more on the other side of the driveway.  The Mayor explained that the Village law states bushes aligned this way are not allowed.  After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Patrick Hance to have Mrs. Polis remove all the newly planted bushes, seconded by Mayor Sean Haggerty and approved by all.


Deputy mayor John Lippmann explained to the Board that he had visited 52 Sully to discuss how to proceed with a fence that would assist the homeowner and be visually acceptable to the Board.  On a motion to approve the updated fence proposal made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and confirmed by all. (The final agreed proposal will be attached to these minutes)


Trustee Jennifer Noone advised the Board that there is now in place a public safety officer to help with the traffic problems and enforce the parking signs surrounding the school.  She will patrol a few hours a week on various school days in the afternoon.  Notice was given prior to the issuance of any tickets.  So far, fourteen tickets have been issued.

Motion to go into executive session made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed by all.



AuthorGuest User



November 4, 2015



PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Sean Haggerty

Deputy Mayor John Lippmann                   

Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                        

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MINUTES for the meeting of October 14, 2015 was approved by all with corrections. 

CLAIMS for August/September were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $56,694.93.  After review, the Board approved all for payment.   

JUSTICE REPORT for September, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $9,102.00.   


The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #3 –2015 “A local law repealing Section 87-3 of the Village Code, and replacing it with new Section 200-31.1, concerning roofing within the Village.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Trustee Frank J. DeMento to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on December 9, 2015 at 7:30pm, seconded by Deputy John Lippmann and unanimously carried.

Motion made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Trustee Frank J. DeMento, and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall. 

The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. 


The Board requested the Village Clerk to obtain from Sarah Deonarine, Director of the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee, a copy of the old IMA (Inter-Municipal Agreement) from 1998.  The Village Clerk will obtain a copy of the IMA and also put this on the agenda for December. 


WHEREAS, a meeting of the Board of Trustees was held to announce the upcoming village election, and

RESOLVED that the offices to be filled at the next general election and the terms thereof are as follows:                            


                    TRUSTEE                         Two Years

                      TRUSTEE                        Two Years                      


          NOW, THEREFORE BE IT, that, pursuant to §15-104(3) of the Election Law of the State of New York, said election shall be held on March 15, 2016 from noon to 9:00 p.m. at Village Hall.


           Mayor Sean Haggerty                            -  Absent

          Deputy Mayor John Lippmann                -  Aye

          Trustee Jennifer Noone                         -  Aye

          Trustee Patrick Hance                           -  Aye

          Trustee Frank DeMento                         -  Aye 


Motion to go into executive session made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.


__________________________                 __________________________                                 

           John Lippmann                                            Barbara C. Miller

                DeputyMayor                                      Village Clerk/Treasurer



























AuthorGuest User



October 14, 2015



PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Sean Haggerty

Deputy Mayor John Lippmann                   

Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                        

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.



MINUTES for the meeting of September 9, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.



CLAIMS for July/August were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $117,410.75.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 



JUSTICE REPORT for September, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $13,025.00. 





Sarah Deonarine introduced herself to the Board.  She spoke to the Board that the committee assists thirteen villages and the Town of North Hempstead in regard to storm water pollution and the annual compliance reports.  The committee is also looking to improve the water quality at Manhasset Bay as well as applying for different grants.  The dues for each village is $1,500 based on a calendar year.  The Mayor stated that the Board will review the municipal agreement.





Mrs. Toth appeared to discuss his bushes that were planted.  The Board requested that the bushes have a curved look and they will visit the property to assist Mrs. Toth.








Mr. & Mrs. Creighton, 420 Abbey Road, appeared before the Board concerning their newly planted bushes on the each side of their house, but in the front yard.  The Mayor advised Mr. Creighton that the bushes need to be moved back to be in line with his house. Trustee Patrick Hance offered to visit the property to help direct the Creightons accordingly.




Mr. Lennon appear before the Board to discuss is newly plantings that apparently appear to be particularly on the village ROW.  Mr. Lennon explained that he had a landscaping plan and was advised that the plantings would not be more that four feet in height.  Deputy Mayor John Lippmann advised the Board that he would go to the property to assist Mr. Lennon with an alternate solution.



Mr. Coleman appeared in regard to his bushes on the corner of his property.  Mr. Coleman tried to trim the bushes back, but he wants the Boards guidance.  Mayor Sean Haggerty will meet with Mr. Coleman at his property.





Mr. & Mrs. Ohlmann and Mr. & Mrs. Ashenberg were in attendance to see if the Board had made a decision concerning their applications to construct a wall like fence along the backs of their property adjacent to Northern Boulevard.   Mrs. Ashenberg described an event that has left her concerned about safety and privacy.  After discussion, the Board directed the Deputy Mayor to work with both parties to craft another application to present to the Building Advisory Committee. 



Motion to go into executive session made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.






__________________________                 __________________________                                 Sean Haggerty                                             Barbara C. Miller

                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer




















































AuthorGuest User



September 9, 2015



PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Sean Haggerty

Deputy Mayor John Lippmann                   

Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                        

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


MOMENT OF SILENCE for the Munsey Park residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001:  Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey, Jr., John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly and Frank Salvaterra.




Mayor Sean Haggerty honored three boys with proclamations on becoming Eagle Scouts in Troup 71 of Plandome.  The three eagle scouts are Vincent Benjamin Tomaselli, Garrett Sean Byrne and Peter Andrew Boyadjian.



MINUTES for the meeting of July 6, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.



CLAIMS for July/August were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $261,541.97.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 



JUSTICE REPORT for July, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $5,616.00.  The August, 2015 report was also submitted and stated revenues in the total of $8,870.00.





Mr. Toth appeared to discuss his bushes that were planted in the front yard.  The Board requested that he get a survey to check that the bushes were not planted in the Village ROW.  He will come back for the October meeting to indicate detail of the location of the bushes.






Mrs. Hayes came before the Board to apply for the temporary Certificate of Occupancy. The only detail remaining is the installation of shutters.  Motion to approve the temporary Certificate of Occupancy made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Noone and approved by all.




Frank Suppa, Suppa Landscaping, appeared before the Board with drawings of the proposed retaining wall and grading on the west side yard.  He also requested two fences with gates.  The Board approved conditionally the applications without the fences. The application will now go to the building inspector for review.



Mr. Mascitti is requesting to place a fence on top of the retaining wall.  The rear of their property has a huge drop.  After discussion, the Board approved the fence conditionally subject to Mr. Mascitti planting bushes to obscure the fence from neighbors.




Rosalie De Caro advised the Board that Public Access TV will be able to obtain a grant for Villages in the amount of $32,000.  She will contact the Village Clerk on specifics and any application forms.




The Village Clerk advised the Board that she is applying for a grant for the Village Court, which includes, security cameras, new chairs and new phone system. 


The following resolution was offered for adoption by Mayor Haggerty:


RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Munsey Park to authorize the Village Clerk to apply to the State of New York Justice Court Assistance Program for a court grant in the amount of $11,600.00 to assist in the operation of the Village Justice Court.


Motion to adopt the foregoing resolutions was made by Trustee Frank DeMento seconded by Trustee Lippmann.



On roll call, the vote was as follows:



In favor:        Mayor Sean Haggerty

Deputy Mayor John Lippmann

Trustee Patrick Hance

Trustee Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Jennifer Noone



Circa is looking to obtain a conditional use permit to open a jewelry store.  The store will be primarily for individuals who want to sell their jewelry, but can also purchase items.  Motion to issue a special use permit conditioned on the receipt of a written description of the business made by Mayor Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Hance and confirmed by all.  Circa must submit a building application with drawings, insurances and the proper fee. 




Trustee Noone advised the Board that the circle at Burnham Place is being repaired.  And she will be meeting with the contractor to go over other areas that need immediate repair. This will make these areas safe and look better.



Motion to go into executive session made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.






__________________________                 __________________________                                 Sean Haggerty                                             Barbara C. Miller

                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer




















































AuthorGuest User



July 6, 2015


PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Sean Haggerty

Deputy Mayor John Lippmann                   

Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                        

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.



MINUTES for the meeting of June 10, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for June/July were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $43,074.10.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for June, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $7,188.00.




WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees on July 8, 2015, addressed the matter of the on-going litigation concerning the planned construction project of the MANHASSET-LAKEVILLE WATER DISTRICT, of an elevated water storage tank and communications facility, within the boundaries of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF MUNSEY PARK; 


          BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees has decided in the affirmative to retain the services of outside Counsel, to wit: Greenberg Traurig, LLP, to pursue an Appeal of the decision of the Hon. R. Bruce Cozzens, dated June 11, 2015, and duly entered in the office of the County Clerk on June 16, 2015.


On a voice vote, this was unanimously approved.













Mr. & Mrs. Zublionis appeared before the Board requesting permissions to plant perimeter hedges along the side yard of their property.  They presented pictures of their property.  After discussion, the Board members will walk the property and a make a decision in writing.




Dr. Kendall, principal of the Munsey Park School, contacted Trustee Noone on the safety at the Manhasset Woods Road/ Park Avenue intersection as requested by a resident.  The Village will increase the hash marks on Park Avenue and look into timing of the light with the Town of North Hempstead.  This should help the safety of the children crossing the street.




Deputy Mayor Lippmann explained to the Board that the Village is exploring the deployment of two speed signs in the Village.




Mayor Sean Haggerty announced the resignation of Matthew Karcic from the Board of Appeals.  The Mayor then appointed Tara Kirkwood to the Board of Appeals filling Mr. Karcic’s remaining term ending April 2017.



Motion to go into executive session made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.






__________________________                 __________________________                                 Sean Haggerty                                             Barbara C. Miller

                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer




















































AuthorGuest User



June 10, 2015


PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Sean Haggerty                            Deputy Mayor John Lippmann                   

Trustee Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                        

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.



MINUTES for the meeting of May 13, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for May was presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $20,907.87.  Claims for June was also present for $43,770.90.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for May, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $14,417.00.


LOCAL LAW #2 - 2015


Local Law #2- 2015 entitled “ A Local Law Amending Section 91 of the Village Code regarding penalties for offense under Chapter 91 of the Code of the Inc. Village of Munsey Park.” The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee Patrick Hance, seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone, and unanimously carried. Mayor Sean Haggerty made the motion to adopt Local Law #2 – 2015, which was seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and confirmed. (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)




The Village Building Inspector presented to the Board the application from Mr. Giannone, 80 Stuart, to continue his retaining wall.  After review, the Board approved the application to be presented to the Building Inspector for final approval




Two residents, Mr.  & Mrs. Ohlmann & Mr. & Mrs. Gainer, appeared before the Board again to see if the Board had any future decision.  They are requesting permission to install a 12 foot fence that resembles a wall.  Mayor Sean Haggerty




Mrs. Lindner, 332 Park, appeared before the Board.  She would like to install a six foot fence along the side of her property.  She is concerned that the neighbor’s children would run onto her property and get injured.  After discussion, the Board did not approve the fence.  Mayor Haggerty suggested that she plant bushes instead.




Mrs. Mimi Donahue explained to the Board that she is in the processing of reviewing the present codebook and will forward to the Board her suggestions.  She requested that the Village Clerk order her a new updated codebook.  Mayor Sean Haggerty thanked her for all her time on this.




Dr. Susi advised the Board that he is meeting with Frank Hefferin on Monday – June 22, 2015 to discuss the removal of the Thompson’s trees.  He will report back to the Board after his meeting.  Dr. Susi also explained that he had requested and received the minutes from the April meeting, but that the resolution was not in the minutes.  The Mayor requested that the resolution be annexed to the April, 2015 minutes.  Dr. Susi continued to state that he feels that the Village Clerk’s writing and content of the subjects’ discussed at the meetings are inadequate and too vague.  He would like to see the minutes expended to reflect what really was discussed in full at the meetings.  Mayor Haggerty explained that the Board always review the minutes.


Motion to go into executive section made by Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and confirmed by all.






__________________________                 __________________________                                 Sean Haggerty                                             Barbara C. Miller

                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer




















































AuthorGuest User



May 13, 2015


PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Sean Haggerty                            

Deputy Mayor John Lippmann

Trustee Frank J. DeMento

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                        

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.



MINUTES for the meeting of April 15, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for April/May were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $94,611.11.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for April, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $10,232.00.




The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #2 -2015 a new local law entitled “Amending Chapter 91.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Trustee Frank DeMento to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on June 10, 2015 at 7:30pm, seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried that a public hearing would be scheduled for June 10, 2015 at 7:30 pm on the Local Law #2 - 2015.


Motion made by Trustee Frank DeMento that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall.


The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.





Two residents, Mr.  & Mrs. Ohlmann & Mr. & Mrs. Gainer, appeared before the Board.  They are requesting permission to install a 12 foot fence that resembles a wall.  They presented the Board with a sample.  Mayor Haggerty suggested that the residents go before the Architectural Review Board to seek guidance.




Superintendent of the Manhasset Schools, Mr. Cardillo, and principal of the Munsey Park Elementary School, Dr. Kendall appeared before the Board to discuss the use of Village property to construct a walkway that would connect Munsey Park Elementary and the lower parking lot of the Congregational Church.  The school district has applied to Nassau County for a $70,000 grant, but needs to have approval from both the Village and the Congregational Church before they can move forward.  If granted, the school would maintain the sidewalk.  The Board heard the resident’s concerns. Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee DeMento, seconded by Deputy Mayor Lippmann and approved by all.  Motion to allow the Manhasset School District access to construct a walkway across Village property to assist in promoting safe passage for the school children subject to all approvals.




The Munsey Park Women’s Club is requesting to hold a kids fun run on June 6, 2015.  There will need to have road closures. The police have been notified and will be on hand for the run. The Board approved the run.





The Mayor thanked Deborah Miller for her many years of service to the Village of Munsey Park.  The Mayor then appointed Bill Harvey to the Board of Appeals for a five year term.





Mark Gilbreth appeared before the Board to discuss his bushes located on the side of his house located on Park Avenue.  He wants to plant bushes not on the Village ROW.  Mayor Haggerty offered to come to Mr. Gilbreths property and will discuss it with the other Board members.





Mrs. Lee appeared before the Board to request that she be able to put her property back to its original state.  She was originally planning to build a retaining wall, but now will not.  Motion for Mrs. Lee to regrade her property back to its original condition approved by all.




Motion to go into executive section made by Deputy Mayor John Lippmann, seconded by Mayor Haggerty and confirmed by all.




__________________________                 __________________________                                 Sean Haggerty                                             Barbara C. Miller

                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer




















































AuthorGuest User

MARCH 11, 2015

Mayor Frank J. DeMento                            
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Trustee Jennifer Noone      
Trustee John Lippmann
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MINUTES for the meeting of February 11, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.
CLAIMS for February/March were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $72,122.74.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for February, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $5,951.00.


Trustee Hance explained that the tentative budget is a work in progress and is looking good.  The final budget will be placed on the April agenda as a public hearing.


One resolution authorizing the issuance pursuant to Section 90.00 or Section 90.10 of the local finance law of refunding bonds of the Village of Munsey Park, Nassau County, New York, to be designated substantially “Public Improvement Refunding (serial) Bonds”, and providing for other matters in relation thereto. (original attached to these minutes)

The Board is looking to adopt two resolutions.  One resolution is authorizing the constructions of improvements to and reconstruction of roads throughout and in and for the Village of Munsey Park, Nassau County, New York, at a maximum estimated cost of $1,000,000 and authorizing the issuance of $1,000,000 bonds of said village to pay the cost there of. (Original attached to these minutes)




Dr. Nijarian presented to the Board his survey indicating that the fence is not on his property by 0.2 inches.  The Building Inspector explained that the fence was installed without a permit and is over the maximum height of 4’6” per the Village Code.  After discussion, Dr. Nijarian believed that it would be easier for him to just remove the fence. The fence must be removed by September 11, 2015.


Michael Jones, owner of J. Michaels, is requesting permission to install awnings with black background and yellow printing.  The Mayor suggested black background with white lettering.  Trustee Lippmann believes that the awnings are not within the standards of The Village of Munsey Park.  While the awnings were approved by the Building Advisory Committee, the Board of Trustees can and will override the decision.  The awnings are not appropriate.  Trustee Noone suggested that Michael Jones come to the Board with other suggestions as to location and design for signage for his store.


The Village Clerk explained to the Board the present building department software is outdated and is not supported.  Jeff Francheitti, Village Technology Consultant, reviewed three different software’s and believes that “Checklist” will work for the Village.  Trustee Lippmann would like to review the software and possibly other companies.  The Deputy Clerk spoke to the Board of her concern that the building department will get very busy and that the present software may not continue to be accurate.  Deputy Mayor Haggerty requested that this be placed on the May agenda.


Dr. Susi requested if a decision was made concerning the two trees on the Thompson property.  Trustee Hance explained that he just heard from the independent arborist and will have the report and decision ready for the April meeting.

Motion to go into executive section made by Trustee John Lippmann, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.


__________________________       __________________________                                 Frank J. DeMento          Barbara C. Miller
                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer



























AuthorGuest User



FEBRUARY 11, 2015


PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Frank J. DeMento                            

Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                            

Trustee John Lippmann    

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


MINUTES for the meeting of January 14, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for December/January were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $66,370.19.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for January, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $11,451.00.




The Women’s Club would like to host an Easter egg hunt on Saturday – March 21, 2015 at Waldmann Park.  Approved by all.




Erin A. Sidaras, attorney for Farrell Fritz, made application on behalf of Barco Realty Port, LLC, to subdivide property located in the Village of Flower Hill.  Pursuant to Article XVI 1610(2) of the Nassau County Charter governing subdivision plats, villages within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision boundary must be notified.  The Village Attorney explained that the fee is $15,000.  Once payment is received, the Village Clerk will schedule a public hearing.




Allstate would like to place a new sign in the front of their office.  The sign would have black background with white lettering.  After review, the Mayor requested that the sign be white background with black lettering as per Village Code.  Motion made by Trustee Jennifer Noone to approve the sign with the color change, seconded by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty and approved by all.







Sue Auriemma advised the Board that when the movie “This is Where I Leave You” was produced in Munsey Park, Warner Brothers donated $8,000 to her for the use of her driveway.  The Village Board has the discretion on the use of the $8,000 and not Sue Auriemma.  Trustee Jennifer Noone is looking into the cost of some road repairs through CHIPS.

Sue Auriemma and her neighbor Chris Sovino also complained about the excessive noise of a generator located on Strickland.  He did not know the house in question. The Village Clerk was directed to look into the complaint.




Dorian H. Grubaugh, Regional Sales Manager, from Optotraffic, made a presentation to the Board on speed camera.  Mr. Grubaugh explained how the cameras worked and their benefits.  Due to the recent rescinding of the school cameras in the County, Mayor Demento isconcerned about moving forward, and whether there is and may be a legal problem.  He requested that the law firm of GerstmanSchwartz look into the law and report back to the Board.



Motion to go into executive section made by Trustee John Lippmann, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.




__________________________                 __________________________                                 Frank J. DeMento                              Barbara C. Miller

                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer




















































AuthorGuest User

January 14, 2015

Mayor Frank J. DeMento                             Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery
Trustee Jennifer Noone      
Trustee John Lippmann
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MINUTES for the meeting of December 10, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.
CLAIMS for December/January were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $69,167.61.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for December, 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $13,116.00.

LOCAL LAW #1 - 2015

Local Law #1 –2015 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section A208-1 of the Village Code, enumerating the Schedule of Fees for the Village of Munsey Park.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Mayor Frank DeMento, seconded by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty, and unanimously carried. Trustee Jennifer Noone made the motion to adopt Local Law #1 – 2015, which was seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)


Erin A. Sidaras, attorney for Farrell Fritz, made application on behalf of Barco Realty Port, LLC, to subdivide property located in the Village of Flower Hill.  Pursuant to Article XVI 1610(2) of the Nassau County Charter governing subdivision plats, villages within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision boundary must be notified.  After review, the Village Attorney directed the Village Clerk, that Ms. Sidaras must make a formal sub-divion application with the Village of Munsey Park’s Planning Board.  If the application is received, it can be placed on the agenda for February 11, 2015.



Architect Woijciech Oktawie, made application to build a new retaining wall at the rear of the property at 105 Remington Road due to change in the grade.  The owners are planning to renovate their house and the retaining wall is needed due to existing and proposed changes to the grade.  Motion to approve the change in grade made by Mayor Frank DeMento, seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and approved by all.


Mrs. Mastrodi purchased her home two years ago and would like to legalize the fence in her backyard.  After discussion, motion made by Mayor Frank DeMento to remove the fence, seconded by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty and confirmed by all.


After discussion, the Mayor and Board of Trustees decided to change the official newspaper for the Village of Munsey Park from the Manhasset Press to the ManhassetTimes for the remainder of the official year 2014-2015.


Trustee Jennifer Noone announced that positions are available for committees for beautification, finance and legal with a focus on updating the code.  Please contact her if interested.


The Village Clerk advised the Board that there had been an incident at the Village Hall concerning an irate individual whose license was suspended.  His demeanor became hostile and aggressive and the police were called.  The Village Clerk would like to look into a Dutch door for the office as well as a camera for the Northern Boulevard entrance.  A motion was made by Mayor Frank DeMento to look into the purchase of both, seconded by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty and confirmed by all.


Motion to go into executive section made by Trustee Jennifer Noone, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.


__________________________       __________________________                                 Frank J. DeMento          Barbara C. Miller
                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer



























AuthorGuest User



October 8, 2014


PRESENT:                                        ABSENT:

Mayor Frank J. DeMento

Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                    

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee John Lippmann    

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


MINUTES for the meeting of September 10, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for September/October were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $244,459.45.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for September, 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $8,981.78.





WHEREAS, a meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 and the Village Clerk presented to the Board the change Pursuant to Elections Law 15-104(1)(a), if the third Tuesday in March falls on the 17th, the date would be Wednesday, March 18, 2015 with a resolution, and


WHEREAS, the Village pursuant to the Election Law 15-104 (1)(a) will move the Village elections to Wednesday, and


            NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the resolution to approve the Village Election to be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, was adopted as follows:


            Mayor Frank J. DeMento                -           Aye

            Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty       -           Aye

            Trustee Patrick Hance                    -           Aye

            Trustee Jennifer Noone                 -           Aye

            Trustee John Lippman                    -           Aye





Mrs. Sica , of the Munsey Park Women’s Club, informed the Board that they will be hosting their annual “Light the Night” on Sunday, December 7, 2014.  The Board approved the event.




Munsey Park Women’s Club is requesting permission from the Board to hold their annual Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 3:00pm.  The Board approved the event.


634 PARK AVENUE – MRS. LEE           


Mrs. Lee had gone before the Building Advisory Board to obtain a new ruling on the stone on her house.  After discussion, motion made by Trustee Lippman to deny Mrs. Lee’s application and she must replace the stone on her house to the original approved “fieldstone”, seconded by Trustee Noone and approved by all.  Mrs Lee has until December 8, 2014 to comply by removing the stone on her house and replace it with “fieldstone”.




Trustee Noone advised the Board that she has reviewed the parking issue surrounding the school dismissal.  She will change around the location of the “No Parking” signs to allow parking on one side of the street to allow cars facing away from Munsey park School.  This is in an attempt to provide safer conditions for pedestrians and drivers during dismissal.  She hopes to have the parking situation implemented at the beginning of November for a test run.  Mrs. Langner from Durand Place also complained about the parking at the corner of Remington and Hunt.  Parent’s park right up to the stop sign and children crossing cannot see the cars.  Trustee Noone will also look into that situation.




Trustee Lippmann announced that in the future the Board will be reviewing village bonds and looking into financial consultants.




Work is complete at Copley Park Pond and there will be a grand re-opening of the park on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 2:00pm.  All residents are welcome.


Motion to go into executive section made by Trustee Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Noone and confirmed by all.


__________________________                   __________________________                                  Frank DeMento                                                          Barbara C. Miller

                   Mayor                                                         Village Clerk/Treasurer

AuthorGuest User



December 10, 2014


PRESENT:                                        ABSENT:

Mayor Frank J. DeMento

Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                    

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee John Lippmann    

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


MINUTES for the meeting of November 12, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for November/December were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $182,866.52.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for November, 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $12,553.00.


LOCAL LAW #7 – 2014


Local Law #7 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending fees By Adding Driver Responsibility Fee.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance,  and unanimously carried.  Mayor Frank DeMento made the motion to adopt Local Law #7 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)


LOCAL LAW #8 – 2014


Local Law #8 –2014 entitled “A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-C.”    The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee Patrick Hance, seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone, and unanimously carried.  Trustee Patrick Hance made the motion to adopt Local Law #8 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)






The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #1 -2015 a new local law entitled “Fees.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Frank DeMento to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on January 14, 2015 at 7:30pm, seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried that a public hearing would be scheduled for January 14, 2015 at 7:30 pm on the Local Law #1 - 2015.


Motion made by Mayor Frank DeMento that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall.


The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.




Mr. Adam Figueroa, 443 Park Avenue has bushes along Manhasset Woods Road that was approved in 1998.  Since that approval the bushes have grown beyond the three foot height.  After discussion, the Board approved to keep the bushes at present height, but cut back bushes on Park back to Blue Spruce.  Mr. Figueroa has until March 30, 2015 to complete.




Dr. Garvin, 9 Waldo, is appealing the decision of the BAC concerning the continuance of the siding to the garage.  After discussion, the Board approved the siding to include the garage.




The residents of 761 Park Avenue appeared before the Board for approval of the grade change to their backyard.  The Board approved the grading and requested that the applicant submit 8 setss of drawings for the Building Advisory Committee.


331 & 339 PARK AVENUE - TREE


Mr. Thompson spoke to the Board concerning a tree on his property that he wants to prune, but his neighbor wants it removed. Trustee Hance is looking into obtaining an independent arborist to inspect the tree. 



Architect, Jeffrey Diehl, appeared to appeal the decision of the BAC concerning casement windows and a Juliet balcony.  After review of the architect’s submission, the Board approved the new casement windows, but denied the Juliet balcony.




Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty explained to the Board, that the company that was hired by the Village has been able to produce documentation that Cablevision owes the Village additional gross/franchise fees.  Cablevision has agreed to settle with the Village of Munsey Park for $6,000.00.  The Village Attorney will produce a “Settlement and Release” document for the Mayor to sign.  Motion to accept Cablevision settlement approved by Deputy Mayor Haggerty, seconded by Mayor DeMento and approved by all.




Trustee Lippmann explained the Village is exploring hiring bond counsel for the refinancing of the Villages’ existing bond and engineers for road improvements.  In order for the Village to recapture any resources spent on bond counsel and engineering fees prior to the bonds being refinanced or issued, the Village must adopt a resolution to do so.


WHEREAS, a meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 and that the Board of Trustees would like to hire bond counsel to review the Village bonds outstanding and engineers for the road improvement, and


WHEREAS, the Village would spend up to $150,000 towards the bond counsel and engineering fees, and


WHEREAS, the Village would be reimbursed for any fees incurred by bond counsel and engineers under any future bonds that would be issued within a twenty-four month time, and


            NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the resolution to approve the hiring of the Bond Counsel and Village Engineers not to exceed $150,000 and to recapture by any future bond funds, was adopted as follows:


            Mayor Frank J. DeMento                -           Aye

            Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty       -           Aye

            Trustee Patrick Hance                    -           Aye

            Trustee Jennifer Noone                 -           Aye

            Trustee John Lippman                    -           Aye


Motion to go into executive section made by Mayor DeMento, seconded by Trustee Noone and confirmed by all.




                                                                                                               __________________________                   __________________________                                                Frank J. DeMento                                       Barbara C. Miller

                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer

AuthorGuest User



November 12, 2014


PRESENT:                                        ABSENT:

Mayor Frank J. DeMento

Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                    

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee John Lippmann    

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


MINUTES for the meeting of October 8, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for October/November were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $105,221.01.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for October, 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $11,474.00.





Mrs. Lee appeared before the Board concerning the replacement of the stone on her house.  Trustee Hance requested that before she places the stone on her house, a representative from the Board will inspect it to ensure that it is the correct stone.  Trustee Hance instructed the Village Clerk to send a letter to Mrs. Lee of this requirement.




Mr. Gilbreth appeared before the Board to request permission to plant trees along Park Avenue.  This is to keep her children safe.  Deputy Haggerty wants to make sure that the trees are not in the Village right-of-way. The Board will have the building inspector review the final survey and the placement of the trees and report back to Mr. Gilbreth.




Mrs. Najarian appeared before the Board to request permission to maintain the fence that was installed without a permit in her rear yard.  The Board requested that she first obtain a survey to ensure that the fence is on her property.  Once she has this, she can return to the Board for a decision.




Mr. Paul Becker appeared before the Board to request that he be allowed to change his roof from slate to shingles.  Mr. Becker stated that he should not be forced to have slate and discussed his reasons why and referenced Local Law 87-3.  Deputy Haggerty said that the Village attorney will review the local law as well as any other pertinent laws and the Board will be in contact with Mr. Becker.




Mr. Kim requested permission to legalize the retaining wall on his property.  When he bought the house a year ago, he was unware that the retaining wall did not have a permit.  The Deputy stated since this was a last minute addition to the agenda, the Board will review and follow up with Mr. Kim.





The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #7 –2014 “Amending Fees By Adding Driver Responsibility Fee.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on December 10, 2014 at 7:30pm, seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried.


Motion made by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Trustee Hance, and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall.


The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.




The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #8- 2014 a new local law entitled “A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-C.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on December 10, 2014 at 7:30pm, seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried that a public hearing would be scheduled for December 10, 2014 at 7:30 pm on the Local Law #8 -2014.


Motion made by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall.


The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.




Trustee Noone explained that the new school parking signs were in place on Revere, Abbey, Hunt & Remington.  There have been very few complaints.  Once we see how the parking situation is doing, some of the signs will be removed or moved to another location. 




Trustee Lippman advised the Board that Port Washington North’s engineer, Steve Kaplan, has been able to locate and loan the Village a speed sign.  The Village is looking into purchasing up to three speed signs at approximately $5,000 per sign.




Road improvements will hopefully begin in the Spring.  The Village Engineers have indicated that Inness Place is one of the worst roads, but the Village has to review the funds before any roadwork can commence.  Also for the next meeting, the Board will be looking into a bond counsel to review the village’s present Public Improvement Bond.  The purpose is to lower the Villages’ debt service and obtain a bond with lower interest rates.





Village Attorney advised the Board by proposing the attached resolution:


WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees on November 12, 2014, addresses the matter of the planned construction project of the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District, of an elevated water storage tank and communications facility, within the boundaries of the Incorporated Village of Munsey Park;


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees has referred the matter to the Board of Zoning and Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Munsey Park, to conduct a hearing evaluating the jurisdictions of the Village with regard to the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District’s Munsey Park Tower Project, taking into consideration the factors as stated in the matter of County of Monroe v. City of Rochester.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Munsey Park, has requested that the BZA, render a decision concerning the jurisdiction of the Village with regard to the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District’s Munsey Park Tower Project


Motion made by Trustee Lippman, seconded by Trustee Noone, to refer this matter to the Board of Appeals and approved by all.


The Village Clerk was requested to schedule a date as soon as possible.

Motion to go into executive section made by Trustee Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Noone and confirmed by all.




__________________________                   __________________________                                             Sean Haggerty                                                Barbara C. Miller

 Deputy Mayor                                                Village Clerk/Treasurer

AuthorGuest User



September 10, 2014


PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

  • Mayor Frank J. DeMento
  • Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery
  • Trustee Jennifer Noone                                            
  • Trustee Patrick M. Hance
  • Trustee John Lippmann    
  • Robert Morici, Village Attorney
  • Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer 

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MOMENT OF SILENCE for the Munsey Park residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001:  Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey, Jr., John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly and Frank Salvaterra.

MINUTES for the meeting of July 9, 2014 was approved by all with corrections. 

CLAIMS for July/August/September were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $285,263.31.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for July 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $6,994.00.


Mr. Papiro of Papiro landscaping appeared before the Board to replace an existing railroad tie retaining with a pre-cast concrete retaining wall.  The Board approved the retaining wall and advised Mr. Papiro to submit paper work to the Building Advisory Committee for review.


Mrs. Kong appeared before the Board in regards to the Building Advisory denial to allow two trellises. After discussion, the Board approved the trellis in the rear of the property and Mrs. Wong should submit a building permit pertaining to this.  The trellis in the front yard is denied.  Motion to agree with the Building Advisory decision to remove the trellis in the front yard made by Tr. Lippmann, seconded by Mayor DeMento and approved by all.


Department Inspector Corona and Sargent Johnson appeared before the Board to assist with questions concerning traffic, aggressive drivers and pedestrian safety.  The police and the schools are making every effort to inform parents and children of the importance of safety.  Trustee Lippman is working with the police to look into speed limits, parking and truck routes for the safety of the Village.  The police will also increase patrol around the school area and during heavy commuter hours.


The Mayor advised those in attendance that an article had appeared in the Manhasset Times concerning a walkway in front of Village Hall for the children of the Munsey Park School.  Several residents were upset that this was taking place on Sargent Place.  Village Attorney explained that no official proposal is in front of the Board of Trustees. The school and the Congregational Church must have an agreement in place before anything further can be addressed to the Village.  The mayor explained to Dr. Kendall, Principal of the Munsey park Elementary School, that the Board would need the following prior to the Board consideration:

  1. Artist rendering of the engineers plan on the possible walkway
  2. Signed IMA agreement with the Congregational Church with usage details
  3. Proposal from a contractor
  4. Appropriate funding guarantees


Mr. Cyrgalis appeared before the Board to speak about the flooding in front of his house.  About fifteen years ago the village engineer was working on a solution for the flooding.  Apparently the piping was not correctly done and he wants the Village to review the situation.  Trustee Noone will contact the present village engineers on this situation and she will correspond with Mr. Cyrgalis on the outcome.  

Motion by Trustee Lippmann, to close the meeting and go into executive session, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and approved by all.


____________________________                   __________________________                      

Frank DeMento                                                 Barbara C. Miller

                  Mayor                                                           Village Clerk/Treasurer

AuthorVillage Administrator

July 9, 2014


  • Mayor Frank J. DeMento
  • Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
  • Trustee Jennifer Noone
  • Trustee Patrick M. Hance
  • Trustee John Lippmann    
  • Robert Morici, Village Attorney
  • Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m

MINUTES for the meeting of June 11, 2014 was approved by all.

CLAIMS for June/July were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $46,208.04.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for June 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $7,101.00.

LOCAL LAW #4 – 2014

Local Law #4 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 172-7 of the Village Code, Requiring a Deposit with Regards to the Replacement of Trees, Shrubs or Flowers on an Applicant’s Property.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried.  Trustee John Lippmann made the motion to adopt Local Law #4 – 2014, which was seconded by Mayor Frank J. DeMento and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)

LOCAL LAW #5 – 2014

Local Law #5 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 172-7 of the Village Code, Requiring a Deposit with Regards to the Replacement of Trees, Shrubs or Flowers NOT on public property or the Applicant’s Property.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried.  Trustee John Lippmann made the motion to adopt Local Law #5 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)

LOCAL LAW #6 – 2014

Local Law #6 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 208-1 of the Village Code, “Enumerating the Schedule of Fees.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee John Lippman, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried.  Trustee John Lippmann made the motion to adopt Local Law #6 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)


Mrs. Peter Hannesson appeared before the Board to request approval for a permanent basketball court on her property.  The basketball hoop would be facing Mrs. Hannsesson’s house and would not disturb the neighbor.  On a motion made by Mayor Frank J. DeMento to approve the basketball court, seconded by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty and approved by all.


Mr. Robert Read appeared before the Board to request that the Board require Mr. & Mrs. Ramos pay for the removal of their dead tree.  Mr. Read had filed for the permit and did not want to pay for the removal.  Mayor DeMento explained that the tree committee approved the tree to be removed, but that the since the permit application was done by the Reads, the payment would be their expense.  Mr. Read agreed to remove the tree at his expense.


Mayor Frank DeMento advised the Board that Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty had been obtaining bids for the revitalization of Copley Park Pond.  Deputy Mayor Haggerty received a quote for $19,000 to renovate the wall of the pond from Ralph D’Alessandro Contracting.  On a motion made by Trustee Patrick Hance to approve Ralph D’Alessandro Contracting to renovate Copley Park Pond at a cost of $19,000, seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and approved by all.


The Mayor discussed the Introduction for a Local Law in Regards to Building Permit Fees.  He and Trustee Noone have made several suggestions to the change, but requested that Trustee Hance look at the Budget numbers.  The Mayor requested that a public hearing be placed on the September agenda. The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Frank DeMento to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on September 10, 2014 at 7:30pm, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and unanimously carried.


The Village Attorney addressed the Board that certain village ordinances had not been transferred to the Village Code Book with regard to Vehicle and Traffic.  He proposed a local law that would incorporate past practices.  The Board addressed the possibility of “No Thru Traffic” or “No Commercial Traffic except Local Delivery” signs be placed at every entrance of the Village.  

Motion by Trustee Lippmann, to close the meeting and go into executive session, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and approved by all.


______________________               ___________________________
Frank DeMento                                  Barbara C. Miller
Mayor                                                 Clerk/Treasurer


AuthorVillage Administrator

May 14, 2014


  • Mayor Frank J. DeMento                        
  • Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty                     
  • Trustee Patrick M. Hance
  • Trustee John Lippmann    
  • Robert Morici, Village Attorney
  • Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

Trustee Jennifer Noone

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m

MINUTES for the meeting of April 9, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.
CLAIMS for April/May were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $92,450.88.  Budget Adjustments were made in the amount of $40,120.43.  After review, the Board approved all for payment.  

JUSTICE REPORT for April 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $8,054.00.  

LOCAL LAW #3 – 2014

Local Law #3 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 200-37 (k) of the Village Code, Regarding Permanent Fences Permitted at the Outside Perimeter of Munsey Park Including Northern Boulevard and Port Washington Boulevard.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance,  and unanimously carried.  Trustee Patrick Hance made the motion to adopt Local Law #3 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)


Mr. Kapoor, 801 Park Avenue, complained about the speed on Park Avenue.  Vince Syracuse explained to the Board and the attending residents that the former board had done a traffic study and it was ascertain that most of the motor vehicles on Park Avenue were not residents of Munsey Park.  Trustee Lippmann advised Mr. Kapoor that the Board will continue to review ways to slow the speed on Park Avenue.  


Rita and Vince Syracuse complained to the Board that there are many residents who are walking their dogs and failing to pick-up after them.  Mrs. Syracuse requested that the Board put something in the newsletter and maybe even on the web site.


Mr. Thomas Broderick, 6 Strickland Place, appeared before the Board to install a permanent basketball court on his property.  The basketball court would be placed on his property in such a way that balls would not go into any neighbor’s property.  The Mayor and Board of Trustees approved the permanent basketball court.


Mr. Vinay Kapoor, 801 Park Avenue, requested to address the Board on the building fees.  He advised the Board that he is only finishing his basement and should not be charged fees as if this was an addition.  He is not adding to his house, but improving the inside.  The Mayor explained to Mr. Kapoor that since he got elected, he has reviewed the fees and also worked with the Deputy Mayor Haggerty and Trustee Hance on the fees. Deputy Mayor requested that Mr. Kapoor work with the Board to try an establish fees that would not jeopardize the budget.


Mrs. William D’Antonio, 29 Stuart Place, advised the Board that she believes that the Dailey property appears to be two lots on the 1962 map that is in front of the Board.  The Village Attorney explained to Mrs. D’Antonio that the sub-division hearing was closed and therefore, he requested the Board not to respond.


Trustee Lippmann explained to the residents that he attended the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District’s meeting on May 6, 2014 along with Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty and the Village Attorney.  The Water District had little discussion but did vote to have their engineer prepare a bid package for the new water tower.

Motion by Trustee Lippmann, to close the meeting and go into executive session, seconded by Deputy Mayor Haggerty and approved by all.

______________________               ___________________________
Frank DeMento                                   Barbara C. Miller
Mayor                                                 Clerk/Treasurer

AuthorJeff Franchetti